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The Internet Keyboard has 10 Hot Keys on a comfortable standard keyboard design that also includes a detachable palm rest. The Hot Keys allow you to browse the web, or check e-mail directly from your keyboard. The IntelliType Pro software also allows you to customize your hot keys - make the Internet Keyboard work the way you want it to
Microsoft Modern Keyboard with Fingerprint IDoard PS/2

Our vision was to blend the Fingerprint reader into a keyboard, so it would appear to be any other key. We iterated relentlessly to improve each layer, making sure they came together to create a flawless typing experience that felt like any other key.



Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000

Given the time you spend with your hands on a keyboard, investing in the newest addition to Microsoft?s best-selling line of ergonomic keyboards can pay dividends in greater comfort. According to some studies, ergonomic keyboard designs, such as the Microsoft Natural line, have been associated with significant reduction of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Rest your wrists against the plush palm rest in a relaxed, natural angle with this keyboard?s curved key bed, ergonomic arc, and reversed slope. Apart from comfort and support, enjoy quick, customizable way to reach files, folders, and web pages with handy hot keys. For close-in tasks, use the Zoom Slider, located in the middle of the keyboard, to zoom in and out with the touch of a finger.



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It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.


Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results


Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.

A fool and his money are soon parted!

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