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eCommerce Software

ClicShopping is a Open Source solution for online stores

ClicShoppingTM is a free Open Source e-commerce store online B2B / B2C application in PHP  / MYSQL, built with some practical experience in e-commerce since 2001. This is not a commercial application.
ClicShoppingTM  is based on donations and other contributions, marketplace and financial support allowing to continue the process development
ClicShoppingTM does not consum lot of resources on the server, this is a lite solution, easy to install, to customize and to use. ClicShoppingTM  has a double license, GPL 2 and MIT. License details are  available on this website:  
Where can I download ClicShoppingTM open source shopping cart: ClicShoppingTM  open source shopping cart can be download by clicking on this link  : Download ClicShopping You can also fork the open source e-commerce solution and propose your collaboration to improve the code. We love the share the work and collaborate with some people want to promote the Open Source and the e-commerce development : Everything is available on Github
Shop Owner and Programmer can work together to propose their contributions to the community to enhance a store online open source. It can be included on GitHub or inside the marketplace.   Admin demo access : Catalog demo : tutorials :

Download ClicShopping : Download ClicShopping
ClicShoppingTM open source e-commerce application architecture (A bit technical). Although ClicShoppingTM architecture approach is innovative and unique in whole, ClicShoppingTM has an architecture easy to understand and to use.
ClicShoppingTM utilizes some GPL and MIT third-party modules to provide familiar interfaces.
ClicShoppingTM backend is coded in PHP and Maria-Db (Open Source Db ) but it can be used under PostgreSQL and MySql database.

The Core code was designed with flexibility and expandability in mind, without lacking focus on security and performance.
The frontend of ClicShoppingTM is mobile optimized and based on the latest Bootstrap  and jQuery framwork.   Collaborate and Share The concept is based on collaboration. The eco-system can grow  and with your implication, it's possible to improve this e-commerce  solution  to propose always a nice application for the shop owner with some open source functionalities. Everything can be shared on Github platform and with a nice collaboration to improve the development   What are the features of ClicShoppingTM  open source e-commerce Lot of features has available for this e-commerce shopping cart application
The concept is : start your own Open Source e-commerce B2B-B2C with your own need.
Like WordPress, you can include some application inside ClicShoppingTM. Simple and adapted in function in your need   Quickly, some non-exhaustive features you can find inside the ClicShoppingTM e-commerce Open Source :   - PHP  7.x and Mariadb /Mysql - B2B - B2C  full functionalities
- WYSIWYG to create your products description, content with CKeditor4.x - Image Editor management with El-Finder 2.x - drag and drop
- Full SEO functionalities optimization ad url
- Payment and Shipping modules included inside the application with Paypal
- Extension System to install new Applications via the back-office
- No limit to insert content
- Some dynamic statistics inside the dashboard and all the back-office
- GDRP included and some regulation aspect
- Some configuration capacities to adapt the settings in function of your needs in B2B or B2C
- Ready for mobile, tablet and desktop with BootStrap 4.x technology
- Several modes of payment / delivery can be installed
- More 250 modules available and free functional on the marketplace and available on Github !
- Full responsive design  application with Bootstrap 4.x
- Multi-template
- multi-currency
- Multi-language (English and french included)
- Extension auto install
- Composer installation for library inside apps and update / remove / versionning via apps - Librairie with composer /phpmailer / xml rpc included fo auto install and auto update - Free Apps osCommerce, OpenCart, ZenCart, Crealoaded, Prestashop .... database migration available on the marketplace - ...



In stock  20
Fun Boy Three-the lunatics have taken over the asylum

The Fun Boy Three reduced the ska sound that they and Jerry Dammers had crafted with great success with The Specials and initially took a more minimal approach with the focus on percussion and vocals.[2] For their second album they assembled a six-piece backing group including a cellist and a trombone player, allowing the record to feature more diverse and expansive arrangements, and also enabling them to play live instead of being a purely studio group as previously. The band enjoyed six UK Top 20 hits, including "The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum)" and "Tunnel of Love" and created two albums of which the eponymous Fun Boy Three was the most successful. The follow-up album Waiting, produced by David Byrne, was well-received critically[3][4][5] but did not sell as well. The trio's last UK hit was "Our Lips Are Sealed", co-written by Terry Hall and Jane Wiedlin of The Go-Go's, who had a U.S. hit with the song a year earlier. They then toured the United States and split afterwards. They were also credited with helping launch the career in 1982 of Bananarama, whom Hall first saw in The Face magazine. The three women provided credited chorus vocals on the hit "It Ain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)"; the Fun Boy Three later sang on the Bananarama song "Really Saying Something".



In stock  19
LiteCart Free e-commerce platform

LiteCart is a new innovative free shopping cart platform developed in PHP. Founded by swedish developer T. Almroth. Based on the latest modern technology such as PHP 5.3+, jQuery, HTML 5 and CSS 3. Logical design and a simple to use interface. The framework is constructed to be lightweight and easy for developers to modify and build upon. Version : 2.1.5 Release Date : 13-01-2019 Free e-commerce platform

LiteCart e-commerce platform built with PHP, jQuery and HTML 5.
Why choose LiteCart?

    Easy to install
    Extremely easy to use
    Easy to modify
    Innovative features
    High performance
    Modern technology

Download Free Shopping Cart Platform LiteCart is a free e-commerce platform developed in PHP. Innovative Simple user interface High performance One step checkout Search engine friendly Mobile friendly Plug 'n play add-ons Unlimited categories and products etc. ISO-codes Multiple charset support Fixed prices per currency Get Address modules And much much more..
LiteCart programming Programming should be just as easy as using the admin panel. $product = new ctrl_product();
$product->name['en'] = 'Rubber Duck';
$product->save(); That's it! We just created a product! LiteCart performance LiteCart is fast - and we mean lightning fast! Accoarding to Pingdom LiteCart is faster than 99% of all websites in the world. Moving to LiteCart Faster page loading Reduced server load Reduced bandwidth use Better SEO rank Increased sales
LiteCart admin panel Clean and simple admin panel. Streamlined for daily work procedures. Why choose LiteCart? Logical user interface Easy to navigate Reduced amount of mouse clicks Plug 'n play admin apps Modern interface The best e-commerce platform LiteCart derives from many years experience using different e-commerce platforms. Working in the e-commerce industry we have year by year seen the same problematics in different clients. There was a mainstream demand but platforms needed modifications. Modifications can turn any free open source platform into a lot of work and expenses. We wanted to change all that. Not only did we want to create something that was adjusted to the demand. We wanted to build a completely new experience. We asked ourselves, what is the best e-commerce solution? We came up with the facts simplicity, easy to use, easy to modify and lightweight but yet powerful. How could we combine all these? LiteCart is the result of a lot of study and many ideas brought together. Where convenience in usability don't always go hand in hand with codability we try to keep both sides in mind when designing new features. Join us on a continous journey making e-commerce a better place.



Loaded Commerce 75CE Powerful Ecommerce Software

Loaded Commerce 75CE
The Most Powerful Ecommerce Software Available Over 10,000 stores use Loaded Commerce. Mobile Responsive and Robust. Unlimited Products and Categories No limits for how you organize your products. Make sub categories, copy products between categories, organize however you need to. With B2B you can set group permissions and hide categories and products. Products with Options and custom fields Sell complex product simply by offering product options in various question types, like Drop Down, Radio, Checkbox or text field. With Pro you can also create inventory trackable Sub Product Variants. Multiple Images Show your products in all their glory with six additional product images, make that twelve, if you count the fact that each image comes with a thumbnail and a pop up image. Special Pricing Specials by Category for putting a lot of product on sale quickly. And taking them off sale just as fast. Product Export and Import Export your entire product line and modify your products en masse in Excel or other business systems. You can then upload your changed product data right back into your Loaded store. Download Loaded Commerce 75CE :  Download

Loaded Commerce
Loaded Commerce 75CE


osCommerce Online Merchant a complete self-hosted online store

Online Merchant v2.3 OsCommerce Online Merchant v2.3 is a complete self-hosted online store solution that contains both a catalog frontend and an administration tool backend which can be easily installed and configured through a web-based installation procedure.
It?s all you need to get your new business online and it?s totally free. This site is built using Bootstrap 3 in 2.3.4 Responsive osCommerce Click the button to open a new browser window to get OsCommerce Online Merchant Download. Free Download function myFunction() {"");}



osCommerce Online Merchant CE Frozen with BS4 Shop Side

As the name says this is CE Frozen with BS4 shopside. It has also been modified so that you can tell what has been installed by going to admin/tools and using version checker. You will see

After you install you can record the date of installation by editing the file in youradmin/version_checker2.html. OsCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4.1 CE Frozen BS4 This is as was first relised and so is basicly CE Frozen BS3 with BS4 applied. This and only this version of CE BS4 will work with any of my add-on's in the OsCommerce appsstore. is a complete self-hosted online store solution that contains both a catalog front-end and an administration tool back-end which can be easily installed and configured through a web-based installation procedure. It?s all you need to get your new business online and it?s totally free.  Online Merchant Community Bootstrap Edition v2.3.4.1 CE is available thanks to the hard work and effort of the osCommerce Community. Click the download link below to open a new browser window to get OsCommerce Online Merchant Download.

oscommerce CE Frozen BS4


osCommerce Online Merchant Community Bootstrap Edition

osCommerce Online Merchant Community Bootstrap Edition v2.3.4.1 CE is a complete self-hosted online store solution that contains both a catalog front-end and an administration tool back-end which can be easily installed and configured through a web-based installation procedure. It?s all you need to get your new business online and it?s totally free.  Online Merchant Community Bootstrap Edition v2.3.4.1 CE is available thanks to the hard work and effort of the osCommerce Community. Click the button below to open a new browser window to get OsCommerce Online Merchant Download.



RocketCake free responsive website editor

RocketCake is a free web editor for creating responsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. No programming needed.

WYSIWYG Editor Edit the website as it appears on your device. Switch at any time to view and editor it as on any other tablet, PC or mobile.
No programming needed No need to learn any HTML or CSS. Just click, drag'n'drop or type. But of course, you are still free to mix in your own code, if you like.
Free! The editor is free. Use it to create as many websites as you want with it. Just download it and go. Create great responsive websites with a few clicks Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTML elements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons, gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.

Clean Generated Code The editor spits out clean HTML/CSS code. You also can use it as base for your more complicated websites or template for your server scripts.
Breakpoint Editor Specify your own break points to adjust the website just as you like. The flexible break point editor makes it extremely easy.
Professional Edition There is a professional edition with the option to insert custom CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP code, user-defined breakpoint code and premium support.

Download RocketCake 2.2 For Windows: Download  
For macOS: Download  

RocketCake free


In stock  99
test copy

OsCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4.1 CE Frozen BS4 This is as was first relised and so is basicly CE Frozen BS3 with BS4 applied. This and only this version of CE BS4 will work with any of my add-on's in the OsCommerce appsstore. is a complete self-hosted online store solution that contains both a catalog front-end and an administration tool back-end which can be easily installed and configured through a web-based installation procedure. It?s all you need to get your new business online and it?s totally free.  Online Merchant Community Bootstrap Edition v2.3.4.1 CE is available thanks to the hard work and effort of the osCommerce Community. Click the button below to open a new browser window to get OsCommerce Online Merchant Download.

oscommerce CE Frozen BS4


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